January 7-13, 2015 Yosemite Winter Wonderland
Last Call To Register!
Discover the best of Yosemite’s winter beauty in this immersive photography workshop! Enjoy days photographing the wintery grandeur, learning how to find and use the best lighting throughout the day and into the evening, and spend evenings relaxing, enjoying BBQ on the deck, and critiquing your works.
Six nights of deluxe accommodations in Yosemite West
Communal Meals
Transport to and from Oakland (as needed, pickup at 2 pm, Jan 7)
Transport to all tour locations
Expert guidance throughout the park from James, the author of the Official Yosemite Photographer’s Guide, and former resident and manager of photo tours and services for Yosemite
Insider information about the park and it’s best times/places for optimum lighting
Experience Package fee: $2200
Also available are single room supplement and discounted rates for workshop only. Not included: airfare, non-communal food, accommodations outside park.
Hiking: Easy, but snow conditions could add challenges. Less than 1 mile on mostly level terrain.
Elevation: 4,000
For information or to register call (813) 263.2702 – www.APhotoExperience.com.