January 14, 2015 Looking Into The Crystal Ball
Selby Public Library Hosts “The People’s Gala”.
Join the Friends of the Selby Public Library as they host Looking into the Crystal Ball 6-9 pm on January 14, 2015.
The 5th annual CRYSTAL BALL has a modest price of $25 in advance, and $30 at the door, and is known county-wide as the “People’s Gala.”
The magical event is held inside the Selby Library located at 1331 First Street in Sarasota. Call (941) 861-1140 for tickets or visit the Selby Public Library Friends Bookstore at the above address.
What does one receive for this modest tax-deductible investment? A potpourri of wonders! 25 quality performances take place in the Library’s glorious rotunda, and they include dancers, singers, musicians and specialty acts, Intuitive readers, artists, authors, wellness experts, and various local businesses will bewitch and beguile with wares and information. More than two dozen local restaurants and food vendors will offer complimentary generous samplings of enticing cuisine. And of course there will be that ubiquitous Libby’s Cash Bar
Tags: Friends of the Selby Public Library, Looking into the Crystal Ball, Selby Library