New Year’s Eve 2015 Tow To Go
Everyone Have A Safe New Year’s Eve Tonight!
Tow to Go is a partnership between AAA & Bud Light. Since its inception in 1998, Tow to Go has safely removed more than 23,000 intoxicated drivers from the roads. The service is designed to be used as a last resort. It is offered based on availability of AAA Service Technicians and tow trucks during times of high call volume.
What you need to know about Tow to Go:
(855) 2-TOW-2-GO or (855) 286-9246
Confidential local ride within a 10-mile radius to a safe location
Free and available to both AAA members and non-members
The AAA tow truck takes the vehicle and the driver home
The tow truck can take up to two people home
You can’t make an appointment to use the Tow to Go service
Service is provided in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee through 6 a.m. on January 1st
Tags: Tow to Go