Memorial Day 2018 Remember And Give Thanks

Memorial Day; What Does It Mean To You?
Today think about the numerous brave men and women who gave their lives so you could have freedom. Think about the many families who lost a son or daughter in the name of freedom. Think of all the countless people who are now free because of the countless sacrifices that American soldiers have made over the years, many giving their lives for it.
Celebrate Memorial Day for what it stands for; it’s not a three day weekend. It is a time to remember and give thanks.
Memorial Day originated in 1868, when Union General John Logan designated a day in which the graves of Civil War soldiers would be decorated.
Initially known as Decoration Day, the holiday was changed to Memorial Day twenty years later, becoming a holiday dedicated to the memory of all war dead. It became a federal holiday in 1971, and is now observed on the last Monday in May.
Tags: Memorial Day