New College Named To ‘Best Colleges’

Princeton Review Names New College Of Florida To ‘Best Colleges’.
New College of Florida was again named one of the country’s top undergraduate colleges by The Princeton Review.
New College was among an exclusive group of American colleges to make the Review’s new college guidebook, “The Best 384 Colleges.” The book is based on surveys and interviews with students and administrators at several hundred four-year colleges.
The Princeton Review also views New College as one of the nation’s best colleges for offering experiences and connections that lead to great jobs or post-graduate study. In May 2017, the Review named New College as one of its “Colleges That Create Futures: 50 Schools That Launch Careers by Going Beyond the Classroom.”
“The Best 384 Colleges,” published by Penguin Random House, is the 27th annual edition of the guidebook and will be available in stores today. The profiles and rankings in “The Best 384 Colleges” are posted at