Bring Google Broadband To Sarasota, Florida
Your Vote Could Help Bring Pilot Google Project To Sarasota.
A month or so back Google shared that it was planning on building and testing its very own fiber to the home networks in select cities around the U.S. The promised speeds are up to 1 Gbps which is nearly 20 times faster than the fastest speed currently supported by Verizon Communications. To begin with, the network would reach some 50,000 homes possibly as many as 500,000.
Immediately after the announcement cities around the U.S. started to get Google’s attention as a potential testing location in one way or another. Locally, Sarasota jumped into the fray and re-branded City Island as “Google Island”. We need the community to come out in force to make this happen.
Please consider nominating Sarasota if you have not already done so, thanks!
Tags: Broadband, Fiber, Google, Google Island, Sarasota