The Value Of Exceptional Design By Clifford Scholz
What Is The True Value Of Exceptional Design?
By Clifford Scholz
In our quest to perfect the art and skill of exceptional architecture, we cannot help but contemplate its “true” value. Value as defined both in any quality piece of art and also value as in true capitalistic and financial terms. It is apparent that marginal architecture does little to improve or even reduce the monetary value of a property as compared to exceptional skillful architecture vastly enhancing the monetary value of the same property. The same is true to the enhancement of the artistic quality of a property.
This quest is on-going for our firm, as we believe that we really do “learn something new everyday”. We also believe that in order to maximize our skills, we need to spend a great deal of time in research and design for each project. We believe, as do our clients, that these services are needed in order to completely understand what you are getting prior to the start of construction, as well as making sure that these items are completely coordinated in the building’s preliminary design, throughout the construction documents, and during the building process. These complete design services can be illustrated by our firm’s typical scope of work as shown below.
• Complete and custom preliminary design drawings for your building, including front and rear renderings. This work should be provided by the lead architect, and the lead architect is the point person for the project throughout the entire process. Residentially, your home would never be repeated by our firm as they are one of a kind.
• A study model is then built giving the client a total 3D view of the “finished” design.
• After the design drawings, and prior to the construction drawings, preliminary cost estimates are calculated in conjunction with the builder. As I have mentioned in the past, I am a “retired” general contractor, and have found this process very helpful in establishing a “real” cost for the work prior to starting the construction drawings.
• Complete construction documents are produced with full specifications customized for your specific building. Our firm does not believe in “boiler plate” specifications.
• Complete structural drawings from a registered structural engineer. These drawings are fully integrated by our project managers with all other disciplines, including fully detailed electrical, lighting control, switchgear and lighting design drawings, completed by CMSA. We also include fully detailed and integrated mechanical (HVAC) design and drawings. CMSA is certified as agents for the Florida Green Building Coalition, and we can rate and certify your building to be a “green” building in accordance with FGBC and/or “Energy Star” requirements. Our entire designers and production staff is LEED certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).
• To further detail, we also complete full listings and specifications for all lighting, plumbing and mechanical fixtures, along with interior elevations detailing all molding, paneling, and trim design for the interior of the home.
So what is the “true” value of exceptional design in architecture? It is not totally definable but we do know:
• It is measurable in monetary terms by way of real estate sales.
• It is evident but un-measurable as to how it enhances the inhabitants of the structure.
• It is a process that involves a lot of talent and time.
• It is a resulting value that enhances our lives.
As founder of CMSA, Cliff has over 35 years of experience in architecture and construction. His sense of design and clear-cut goals has created a reputation for quality and excellence for his firm. As lead architect, he is responsible for the design of projects consisting of custom residential developments, office structures, commercial renovations, golf clubs and high-rise condominium buildings. He takes a proactive role in every project as the client contact, and directs his team of highly skilled professionals to keep every endeavor in balance. Cliff received his Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Lawrence Institute of Technology in Southfield, Michigan, and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. Cliff is also a Licensed General Contractor in the State of Florida and certified as a LEED AP. Cliff may be reached at 941-923-2400 or via email at
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Tags: Architect, Architecture, Cliff Scholz, CMSA Architecture