Ft Lauderdale Orchid Society Sponsors Selby Gardens
Ft Lauderdale Orchid Society Sponsors Selby Orchid Alcove.
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens announced that the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society is the sponsor of a new orchid alcove inside the Gardens’ Tropical Conservatory. Directly located across from the Conservatory’s revolving door the orchid alcove highlights the tremendous diversity of the orchid family (which includes more than 25,000 distinct species excluding hybrids) with a continuously changing display from Selby Gardens’ seven greenhouses. The Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society contributed $25,000 to the Gardens in exchange for naming rights to the display.
The Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society, considered one of Florida’s most prestigious orchid societies, hosts one of the country’s most-acclaimed annual orchid shows each January. The Society also co-sponsored the highly successful 19th World Orchid Conference held in Miami in 2008. The Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society was founded in 1951. Its mission is to stimulate interest, provide education and enable exchange of information among those interested in the culture of orchids in all its aspects.
Selby Gardens is renowned for its collection of orchids, many of them wild-collected on nearly 200 research expeditions over the past 35 years. “We are delighted to welcome the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society as Selby Gardens’ partner in helping people to understand these fascinating and beautiful plants,” said CEO Tom Buchter. “The Gardens is committed to the ongoing collection, research, and display of orchids, and this partnership is an important springboard to continuing that commitment.”
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens is a respected center for research and education as well as a famous orchid showplace. The Gardens is located at 811 South Palm Avenue in Sarasota. It is open to the public daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the exception of Christmas day. For further information call 941.366.5731 or visit www.selby.org.
Tags: Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Selby Gardens, Tom Buchter