Microsoft TAGs And Marketing By Angela Massaro-Fain
TAG – Bridge The Technology Gap And Grow Your Brand
By Angela Massaro-Fain
Phone TAG has a whole new meaning in today’s world. This next generation in marketing has arrived through the introduction of TAG technology. All brought to you through the device central to our daily lives – our mobile phone.
So what is TAG? Microsoft TAG is a new kind of customized bar code that will bridge the technology gap by integrating offline and online campaigns across web, mobile and print media. Business owners are always looking for new ways to grow. And as people increasingly demand instant, interactive information, TAG will become a pivotal factor in answering that need by seamlessly marketing to virtually anyone – instantly.
TAG makes the consumer’s life easy. You can now connect with any business that is TAG’d without ever waiting for the business to open. You can go behind the scenes and quickly download coupons or get rebates. How about scanning a TAG and receiving an entire menu or the daily specials at a restaurant…or a recipe at a grocery store. Want to see a preview of what’s running at the movie theater without going there…now you can. Are you house-hunting and can’t get out to the model? Now you can simply scan the TAG and have all the information on the home listing or see a virtual tour of the model… all at your fingertips. The possibilities really are endless.
Business owners can use TAG by placing them in advertisements, posters, product packages, any print collateral, vehicle wraps, storefronts and signage, website, billboards, clothing – it’s almost limitless. With TAG, the medium really is the message, making access simple and alleviating the need to type long URLs or send SMS messages.
Clients and prospects can simply download the Microsoft app and save it to their smart phones. When they scan a TAG with the application, it will automatically connect them to information, entertainment and a choice of several interactive experiences, keeping your brand in the forefront 24/7/365. The consumer can:
• Instantly connect to your web site
• Receive a customized text message
• Auto-dial your phone number
• Save your contact info and profile (vCard)
• Link to a :30 or :60 second video
• Connect to a virtual tour
• Download your promotion or coupon
• Access an information form
Concerned it’s complicated or costly? Luckily for business owners this app by Microsoft is currently free and you are not limited to just one. You can download an app for each of the interactive solutions mentioned above and, best of all, they can be created by anyone.
Imagine increasing productivity and reducing costs by utilizing the latest technology available today. That also makes it GREEN. TAG represents a great way to use less paper. So instead of printing, the consumer simply receives the information electronically.
Although TAGS look graphically similar, they can be customized with a logo. You just have to learn how to change it or work with someone who already knows how. If you’re looking for a new smart technology tool for your business toolkit, in my opinion, TAG is the way to go.
Photo: Grapevine Custom TAG
Get started:
1. Downloading the TAG Reader at
(Newer smart phones may already have the app).
2. Scan the TAG for info and create your own.
Angela Massaro-Fain is founder and president of Grapevine Communications Int’l. Inc. Grapevine Communications, the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce’s “2010 Small Business of the Year”, is an award-winning Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations firm based in Sarasota and serving clients nationwide.
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Tags: Angela Massaro-Fain, Grapevine Communications, Microsoft TAG