October 30, 2010 – Pretty In Dead Costumed After Party
Pretty In Dead Costumed After Party Announced.
On October 30th Horsefeathers Grill & Lounge will host the Pretty In Dead Costumed After Party. First join the group for the Pretty In Dead Couture Runway Show with celebrity emcee Lorenzo Hubbard. Models donned in the latest and hottest fashions by local fashion designer France Engels will grace, for the first time ever in Sarasota, a 60’ runway! The gates open at 7pm on Laurel Road (between Pineapple & Orange). Cash bar with Proceeds benefiting the Sarasota Chalk Festival (501c3).
Horsefeathers’ after party will feature DEEJAY SIMPLISSTICK’S Tribute to DeadMau5 with cameo sets by DJ Scotty B and DJ STR8. Wear your WRIST BAND from the fashion show and receive a FREE DRINK ticket at the door.
Fashion Show www.facebook.com/l/a072bx4OzUB1xuz5Tt3drNmeQjA;www.prettyindead.com
Advanced Fashion Show Tickets www.facebook.com/l/a072bobzqlbQG5koFpOaZorBM4g;www.brownpapertickets.com/event/124026
Beneficiary www.facebook.com/l/a072b3yWWAzAd0rcyvhXVK0bpGQ;www.chalkfestival.com
Fashion Show Emcee www.facebook.com/l/a072bXjC_YjYYusIW98avff8aJw;www.lawrencehubbarddesigns.com
After Party Sponsor www.facebook.com/l/a072b67fQw0JL0qDalAbHp71KsA;www.horesefeathersgrill.com
Entertainment www.facebook.com/l/a072buVIEvCrLc1xc5iVdlj0NqQ;www.plushsrq.com
Tags: France Engels, Horsefeathers Grill and Lounge, Lorenzo Hubbard, Pretty in Dead