A Home For The Holidays? Heart Gallery Of Sarasota
How a House Becomes a Home….. Adoption!!!
November is National Adoption Month and there is no better way to give back this Holiday Season than to consider adopting a child from the foster care system. Each child has their own story to tell, but all desperately want to have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner this year with a “forever family”.
Katelyn, 15, loves working with animals, especially horses, and dreams of attending the University of Tennessee to become a veterinarian.
Katelyn attends Woodlands Baptist Church and is an active member of the youth group. Katelyn is passionate about her Christian faith and it is a top priority in her life. She also takes pleasure in hanging out with her friends, reading, watching tv, and just being a typical teenager. Her favorite books are Flicka and To Save A Life, and her favorite TV show and movie are Secret Life of An American Teenager and To Save A Life. When asked what adoption means to her, Kateyln says is means starting over and it is something she is looking forward to.
Robbie is quick to tell you that his favorite thing to do is ride his skateboard and that his favorite skateboarder is Tony Hawk. He describes himself as a mature kid….well not that mature. Robbie would love a set of parents who would buy him a two-wheel skateboard when he proves to them how mature he can be!
Nathan, his older brother by two years, assumes the role of big brother when the two are together. Robbie is never far from his hip. Nathan also describes himself as a nice mature kid. Like many kids his age, Nathan’s favorite food is pizza. And his favorite color is blue.
Jeremiah Guccione
Heart Gallery of Sarasota
email: jeremiah@heartgallerysarasota.org
phone: (941) 924-2504
web: http://www.heartgallerysarasota.org
Tags: Adoption, Heart Gallery of Sarasota, Jeremiah Guccione