United Way: An Enduring Resource for Health and Human Resources
United Way: An Enduring Resource for Health and Human Resources
By Lalaena Gonzalez-Figueroa
For over 60 years, United Way has made a tremendous impact on the well-being of area residents. With a focus on providing support and education to help individuals better their lives, the organization offers a wealth of resources through an extended network of partnerships with corporations, governments, organizations and community individuals.
While United Way has long been recognized as a leading resource for assisting people in crisis, many are unfamiliar with the organization’s structure and approach. “People are often surprised to learn that we support a broad range of organizations that are changing lives,” reveals Katie Knight, Senior Vice President at United Way of Sarasota County. “Examining the root cause of a problem or situation, United Way builds community based partnerships designed to create long-term solutions.”
Around the country, upwards of 1,300 United Ways work in their local communities focusing on education, income and health, the building blocks for a better life. While local agencies service their unique populations, United Way’s network enables it to maximize donations and capitalize on relationships with mega partners including the National Football League, hundreds of corporations and charitable foundations. “Because of our comprehensive relationships with corporations, foundations and the community at large, our funds are leveraged to maximize results across a broad reach within our region. Additionally, we hold ourselves and our partners accountable for measured outcomes; we want to support the programs that are truly making a positive difference in the lives of others, and we do the research and follow-up to ensure that every dollar counts.” states Bill Merrill, United Way Board Chair and Shareholder, Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg. P.A..
United Way of Sarasota County supports a myriad of programs offering key services such as free income tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance™ program, 2-1-1 information and referral assistance, discounted medical prescription cards, and financial stability education. The group also partners with organizations like CareerEdge, which provides education and opportunities to individuals looking to move into health care positions.
United Way has a long history of helping children and youth and builds partnerships through the Success By 6™ initiative. Over 15 years of compiled scientific research has shown the importance of insuring a supportive, caring and socially positive environment for children from prenatal stages through preschool years. “When children in their very youngest years receive the right support and care, they have a better opportunity to succeed in school and throughout their lives,” notes Lori White, United Way Board Member and Superintendent of the School Board of Sarasota County. Through targeted preschool programs aimed at supporting children, initiatives for screening and assisting children with disabilities, and educational outreach efforts designed to empower and inform parents on best practices in building literacy, social and emotional skills in their children, United Way has developed a comprehensive network of support designed to serve as a foundation for the success of today’s youth. The organization has also created a crisis scholarship fund, a short-term plan that allows children to remain in quality child care while parents or caregivers focus on their family’s needs.
Long known as a leader in corporate fundraising, United Way is dependent upon the financial donations and volunteer efforts of its national and local partners, including individuals who donate their time and money. “We recruit people and organizations from all across the community who bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done,” shares Pete Norden, 2010 Campaign Chair and V.P./General Manager of Clear Channel Radio.
Katie Knight thanks the area’s real estate community for joining United Way, being a part of the change and helping countless residents in need. Recognizing this outstanding partnership Katie Knight explains, “Through the Realtors® for Kids, you reach out a hand to one and benefit the community as a whole. We sincerely appreciate your commitment and dedication to our children.”
Changing lives for the better, United Way of Sarasota County looks forward to future opportunities to impact communities and individuals in need, providing hope, education and resources for success.
United Way of Sarasota County
1445 2nd Street
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 366-2686
Copyright © 2011 REAL Magazine
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Tags: Bill Merrill, Katie Knight, Lori White, Pete Norden, United Way