Westwater Construction Builds Habitat Home
Habitat Receives Home From Westwater Construction.
No it’s not a home you live in, but Westwater Construction built a promotional home for Habitat for Humanity Sarasota. The 1,200 lb. home is currently on display at Whole Foods and will move around the Sarasota area as a billboard promoting Habitat’s involvement in our community.
It’s interesting to note that the Westwater house is so REAL that Whole Food’s patrons think the home’s front door is an entrance to the store!
Stop by Whole Foods, shop and enjoy the Westwater Habitat home before it moves to another location. Where will the Westwater Habitat home go next? You can find out at www.the-real-magazine.com, or www.habitatsrq.org, “Follow the Habitat Home.”
Photo: Renee Snyder, executive director Habitat for Humanity Sarasota and Mike Estes, president Westwater Specialties.
Tags: Habitat For Humanity, Habitat for Humanity Sarasota, Mike Estes, Renee Snyder, Westwater, Westwater Construction, Whole Foods, Whole Foods Market