William Henry Perspectives A Customized Approach To Roofing
A Professional Customized Approach To Roofing
By William Henry PhD
Over the last 20 years, we have been asked to respond to roofing failures that are the result of inappropriate re-roofing applications to many Florida area buildings. In today’s environment, with the lack of new facility construction, many commercial office and retail facility owners are rehabilitating, retrofitting, and adapting existing space to accommodate growth.
The conventional approach is a ‘one-size-fits-all’ service. The response to a call for a re-roofing need or emergency may be restricted to a specific vendor’s application and products. The supporting structure beneath the roof and auxiliary components are often not considered in formulating a re-roofing approach. The structural support and miscellaneous components such as air conditioning supports, clerestories, and other appurtenances are often not considered in the application. In summary, a proprietary reroofing company may not take a comprehensive approach to your reroofing challenges by not considering all of the other facets that could impact the useful life of the roof system.
With Florida’s vulnerability to high category wind storms and ultra violet light, certain roofing applications may fail or break down over time. City Building Inspectors cannot be relied upon to provide quality assurance. The roofing contractor may not have access to thorough design details or specifications. In short, there is no documentation on which to base quality assurance.
RGA/ANMAR provides a professional customized re-roofing approach. In order to address this market, RGA, which is a full-service design company, and ANMAR Builders, which primarily is a Florida based re-roofing, state licensed general contractor specializing in re-roofing systems, have formed a strategic alliance to address the need for a more customized approach to unique building and re-roofing challenges. The services that RGA/ANMAR will provide include, but are not limited to, the following:
Services provided:
• Professional Design-Build Approach – Provide both a professional design service as well as construction for a firm price.
• Commercial Properties/Multi-Family Residential – We provide design/build services to address the waterproofing needs on existing commercial structures.
• Customized Application – The RGA/ANMAR team will conduct a professional independent assessment of existing or potential roofing problems and/or water penetration issues and devise a customized re-roofing application.
Why we are different:
• Independent Inspections – Our design professionals will independently inspect your roof and several potential approaches to cure any water penetration problems.
• Comprehensive Assessment of Existing Conditions – While conducting inspections, we will review other potential contributing factors, such as, the supporting structural systems, openings – such as skylight clerestories, scuppers, drains, AC support systems, and coping caps.
• Non-Proprietary Approach – RGA/ANMAR will survey the market for the best, most cost effective waterproofing approaches towards addressing these discovered problems. Only then will they devise the most optimal, cost effective solution.
• Complete Permit Documentation – We will provide permitable documents which include product approval applications (NOAs) and construction details.
• Quality Assurance – During and after the conduct of the work, we will provide quality assurance and certify that the work is in conformance to the design contract documents and industry standards.
• Integrated Systems Approach – We will also address other building components that could affect the integrity of the entire waterproof building envelope.
Recovery and Energy Conservation – Saves You Money!
• Recovery – If your failure to your roofing systems was due to poor manufacturer materials or labor workmanship, we may be able to help recover the cost of the repair.
• All Roofing and Auxiliary Components – Part of our service is to offer energy saving roofing components, such as, special insulation systems, solar panels, special finish coatings, utility company incentives, insurance discounts
Reliable Group, LLC Architects AA# 0003523 is a well-known architectural and construction management firm based in Tampa, Florida. RGA is headed by Dr. William Henry, both an architect and certified expert witness who issues opinions and testimony concerning design and construction related matters. Having designed over 250 landmark buildings in the state of Florida, he has represented and testified for both plaintiffs and defendants in cases involving code violations such as associated with design and construction defects as well as American Disabilities Act – ‘ADA’ violations. William Henry, PhD (Bill) may be reached at (813) 226.2220 or bhenry@rga-design.com.
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Tags: Architect, Bill Henry, RGA Architects, roofing, William Henry