Letter From The Publisher Ed Bertha – Options
Options. We all have options.
Sometimes you just need to reflect and take a different path. Starting with this issue REAL has done just that. We brought the sourcing of our distribution lists in house and have contracted with Andrick & Associates to handle our bulk mailing. Beyond knowing exactly where the magazine is going, we now have the ability to develop custom proprietary lists, expand our distribution and are well under way doing so.
Other times you need to look at what you do and how others can leverage the foundation you worked so hard to build. Over the past five plus years we diligently focused on establishing the REAL brand in print and online. Now it is time to actively promote our offerings enabling innovative clients to leverage our brand and expand their business horizons. As you can see below the plate of offerings is pretty comprehensive.
Consider your options.
Ed Bertha
Thank You To Our New Sponsors In This Issue:
REAL Exclusive
Daniel Schwartz/Isabelle Striplin/Noreen Murphy – Morgan Stanley, 12, Chillounge, 13, Jackie Z Style Co., 15, Cat Depot, 35.
REAL Exclusive Properties
Pam Hagan – Waterfront 7 Realty, 9, Gabriele Charity/Rudi Weiss – Charity & Weiss, 12.
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Tags: Ed Bertha, REAL Exclusive Magazine