March 2, 2019 Pie In The Sky Open Hanger

Join Agape Flights for an Open Hangar on March 2, 2019 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
It’s at the Agape Flights’ Hangar, located at the Venice Municipal Airport, 100 Airport Ave E, Venice, FL.
We would love to see you at….The “HeART of Pie in the Sky!”
Come enjoy pizza PIE, dessert PIE, vibrant FUN and more at Agape Flights’ open hangar, Pie in the Sky.
You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn how and why Agape flies, while enjoying delicious Ntino’s pizza and dessert pies by Yoder’s Restaurant.
Food, fellowship, and fun all rolled into ONE event — including an interactive art feature with World Champion Artist, Sculptor and Painter Ashley Gray as well as healing art displayed by New Hope Girls, Inc., an Agape affiliated ministry in the Dominican Republic.
Food Served from 11:30 a.m. — 1:30 p.m.
Door Prize Drawings at 12:45 p.m.
Dessert Pie Auction at 1 p.m.
Tags: Agape Flights