January 31, 2020 Thunder By The Bay Sporting Clay Tournament

6th Annual Sporting Clay Tournament
It’s Like Golf, Only With A Shotgun!
Friday, January 31, 2020, starting at 9am, Suncoast Charities for Children wants you to “Clip Some Clays!”
Registration 9:00 am opens (Includes Continental Breakfast)
Tournament Begins 10:30 am followed by a post tournament BBQ Lunch Reception
TEXT Thunder to 941-229-7774 for event updates.
Registration Includes:
Commemorative Tournament Shirt
Continental Breakfast
Post Tournament BBQ Lunch
Eye & Ear Protection
Golf Cart *(Welcome To Provide Your Own)
Loaner Gun at Station *(If Needed)
For information click HERE.
Event Benefits Suncoast Charities for Children.
What: Sporting Clay Tournament Benefiting Suncoast Charities For Children
When: Friday, January 31, 2020 – 9am Registration, 10:30am Guns Up
Where: Knights Trail Park, 3445 Rustic Road, Nokomis, FL 34275
Cost: $125pp / $500 Team
Tags: Sporting Clay Tournament, Suncoast Charities for Children, Thunder by the Bay