NAR Member Profile Provides Baseline on REALTORS
National Association of REALTORS’ Demographics
The 2009 National Association of REALTORS’ (NAR) 84 page Member Profile indicates that:
82% of REALTORS specialize in residential real estate
60% of all REALTORS are female
Years of experience for a REALTOR averages 10 years
The average age of REALTORS is 54 years old
This is the primary sole occupation for 75% of REALTORS
Real estate is the primary source of income for less than 50% of REALTORS surveyed
Median gross income of REALTORS fell to $36,700 in 2008 (Down 14% from 2008)
Median gross income of REALTORS with <= 2 years experience was $8,600
Median gross income of REALTORS with >= 16 years experience was $53,900
9% of REALTORS grossed over $200,000 in 2009
40% of REALTORS closed at least one property in foreclosure
60% of REALTORS have a website an average of 5 years old
Over 33% of REALTORS use social networking
17% of REALTORS regularly use blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds
25% of REALTORS have spent > 11 years with their current brokerage
12% of REALTORS worked for a firm that was merged or acquired in the past 24 months
35% of REALTORS hold a minimum of one professional designation
20% hold GRI (Graduate, Realtor Institute)
13% hold ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative)
10% hold CRS (Certified Residential Specialist)
5% hold SRES (Seniors Real Estate Specialist)
16% of REALTORS hold a specialized training certification
25% of REALTORS belong to one or more affiliated councils or institutes
11% belong to CRS (Council of Residential Specialists)
10% belong to REBAC (Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council)
4% belong to WCR (Women’s Council of Realtors)
3% belong to CREB (Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers)