October 28 And December 1, 2010 – Appraisal Seminar Series
Appraisals 2010 Seminar Series Continues.
Real estate professionals who are losing real estate deals because of bad home appraisals will benefit from a series of appraisal seminars scheduled for the fall. Sponsored by C.J. Coury and HomeBanc in conjunction with local boards of Realtors, Appraisals 2010 will educate participants on how to secure sound appraisals in today’s market.
The panel of presenters includes Craig DiCecco, SRA, of Futurehome Appraisal Services Inc., Kevin Goodale of Atlas Appraisals LLC, Howard Greber, SRA, CRB, of Greber Appraisal of Florida LLC, and Mary Patterson, SRA, of Patterson Appraisal Group Inc.
The seminars will be held from 9am to 11:30am at the various boards of Realtors. The following seminars are currently scheduled:
Thursday, Oct. 28 Venice Area Board of Realtors Office
680 Substation Road, Venice, FL 34285
Free program and continental breakfast
To reserve, call (941) 484-0614
Wednesday, Dec. 1 Sarasota Association of Realtors Office
3590 S. Tuttle Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34239
SAR members free, Nonmembers $10 (includes continental breakfast)
SAR members: Register online at www.sarasotarealtors.com
Nonmembers: Call Catherine McCaskill for a registration form at
(941) 328-1167
As a consequence of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC), effective May 1, 2009, for any loan backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, many lenders have resorted to using Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs), but the cure has been worse than the disease, says Coury, Vice President and Mortgage Branch Manager for HomeBanc.
Many AMCs maximize their profits by hiring appraisers who are willing to work for low fees under impossible deadlines. Because these appraisers are focused on deadlines and production to make up for the low fees, they may not take the time to choose appropriate comparable sales or to understand the nuances of the local market.
“People mistakenly believe that HVCC requires you to use an appraisal management company, but that is a recommendation, not a requirement,” says Coury. “This seminar will show you how you can still secure accurate appraisals while maintaining HVCC compliance.”
HomeBanc N.A. is located at 6230 University Parkway, Suite 101, Sarasota, FL 34240. Telephone: (941) 806-1140. Website: www.homebanc.com.
Photo: C.J. Coury
Tags: C.J. Coury, Catherine McCaskill, HomeBanc, Mary Patterson, Patterson Appraisal Group