NEAL Communities Ranked #1 in Sarasota/Manatee
Neal Communities Has Best October In 40 Years.
Neal Communities is selling more than one home a day in 2010. In October 39 contracts were signed compared to 20 home sales in October of 2009. This represents a 95 percent increase over October of last year and sets a record for the month in the company’s 40 years in business. MetroStudy also recently ranked Neal Communities #1 based on closings for the year from the third quarter of 2009 through the second quarter of 2010. With 197 annual closings, Neal Communities ranks ahead of all other local, regional and national builders and has secured more than 11 percent of the market share.
“The traffic that we have seen for October is a true indicator that now is the time to buy. We’re pleased that interest is increasing and are especially appreciative that the Realtors® community is so involved in sales for our neighborhoods,” states Pat Neal, president of Neal Communities. “We are building homes that meet the market and we are providing real value to buyers.”
Sales were across product and price lines in various communities. The prices ranged from the mid $100s to the $600s. There were 10 contracts in Central Park at Lakewood Ranch; 8 in Forest Creek; 5 in Sawgrass in Venice; 4 in Edenmore, 2 in Greystone, 2 in Wexford and 5 in Thornhill in The Lakewood Ranch Country Club; and 1 each in, River Sound, Leopard Creek and Valderrama.
With over 170 homes under construction throughout Sarasota and Manatee, the Lakewood Ranch-based home builder is set to continue this record-breaking pace.
Tags: Neal Communities, Pat Neal