It’s Alignment, Not Your Swing By Nick Arthur
It’s Alignment, Not Your Swing
By Golf Pro Nick Arthur
Have you ever hit a golf shot that you thought should be perfect, however it ends up going in a different direction from what you intended? This could be an alignment issue rather than a swing issue. Proper alignment is one of the most important fundamentals in golf, yet it is one of the most overlooked. To correct an alignment issue you must first understand the proper alignment points.
The first point is your target line. The target line is the direction in which the golf ball is intended to travel. The second point is your body line. Your body line consists of your feet, knees, hips, and shoulders. The body line should travel parallel to the left of your target line. The best way to see the proper alignment is to visualize a set of railroad tracks. The right track would head to your target, and the left track would run parallel left of your target.
To practice your alignment you can use two fiberglass alignment rods as illustrated in the picture. If you do not have fiberglass rods, simply use two golf clubs. Set one rod on the intended target line, set another rod parallel left. This will be your body line. By setting up this practice tool you will be able to tell if your alignment is the issue or if there is a problem with your golf swing.
Unusual for a Florida course, The Ritz~Carlton Members Golf Club has been strategically sculpted by moving nearly 1.9 million cubic yards of earth. This massive undertaking has created elevation, relief, contouring and framing for each hole. The layout gracefully rolls among 12 picturesque lakes and extensive landscaping, forming a fair and memorable test of golf. There are six sets tees ranging from 5,175 to 7,417 yards, all designed to provide maximum playability without sacrificing strategy or beauty. Pines, palms, maples, ficus, mature oaks, colorful flowering shrubs, marshes with aquatic plants, beautiful native areas and white sand bunkers all provide significant visual appeal. Our distinguished Caddie Concierge Program and extensive practice range facility ensure a most unique on-course experience.
Nick Arthur is an Assistant Golf Professional at The Ritz Carlton Members Golf Club. He has been with The Members Club for 5 years. Nick holds a degree in Golf Complex Operations Management from The Golf Academy of the Carolinas, Nick’s technical experience began with the position of Golf Club Technician at Tour Tradition Golf in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Nick is also a certified instructor from The Faldo Golf Institute by Marriott in Orlando, Florida and has spent time teaching at The Faldo Golf Institute in Seaview, New Jersey. Nick can be reached at
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Tags: Golf, Golf Pro, Nick Arthur, Ritz-Carlton Members Club, Sarasota