Letter From The Publisher Ed Bertha Art
“Art is a discovery and development of elementary principles of nature into beautiful forms suitable for human use.”
Frank Lloyd Wright
Art. Any brief definition would oversimplify the subject, but the definitions offered over time include some notion of human agency; the capacity for human beings to make choices. This may include manual skills (the art of painting, sculpture or photography), intellectual manipulation (the art of politics) or personal expression (the art of conversation).
Art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we rarely even stop to think about it. Look at the chair, desk or table where you are sitting. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art. Your car is art. Think about it. Art is everywhere and this month we explore art.
We start by following Giovanni Lunardi to Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy for the gallery exhibition of his latest series of artwork, Explosion. Explosion takes the action captured behind Giovanni’s still photographs and brings that action, and the photograph, to life. Color or black and white, Explosion explodes the images to life. Photograph, imagination and movement equals art.
Next off we head to Sarasota’s State Street and visit with State of the Arts Gallery owners Tre Michel and David Steiner. With Valentine’s Day around the corner we explore a few pieces of art appropriate for giving on that day. Different mediums, different approaches, once again art at its finest, or fine art.
Last renowned Sarasota School of Architecture architect Carl Abbott offers REAL Magazine the privilege to debut his book, In/Formed By The Land. Carl’s coffee table book offers a look into forty-six years of designing and building amazing structures. We could re-label Carl’s work as artitecture. It certainly is striking and so is the book.
Just look around you and take it all in. Art is everywhere.
Ed Bertha
Copyright © 2013 REAL Magazine
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Tags: Carl Abbott, David Steiner, Ed Bertha, Giovanni Lunardi, State of the Arts Gallery, Tre Michel