May 20-23, 2014 Cat Depot Closed
Cat Depot Receives Scholarship.
Cat Depot is honored to be the recipient of an education scholarship from the Edith J. Goode Residuary Trust to attend The Humane Society of the United States Animal Care Expo 2014 on May 20-23. The award gives Cat Depot staff the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills with the latest cutting-edge programs in the fields of animal care and adoptions, rescue, and medical and emergency services.
Human Society of the United States Animal Care Expo is the largest international education conference in the United States. The Expo offers opportunity to learn new skills and strategies, and network with animal welfare professionals from around the world.
An intense spring cleaning is planned throughout the center; something they cannot do when open seven days a week. Also, major repairs to their air conditioning system are scheduled. Staying behind are their dedicated Cat Care team and one veterinary technician. Therefore Cat Depot, including the supply and gift store is closed May 20-23, 2014
Tags: Cat Depot