REAL Interview – Olivia Newton John Part 2

Olivia Newton John
Wellness And Healthy Living
By Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT
“Did Sandy sell-out and become Danny’s leather clad dream or did she claim her sexuality and her inner self?” Unfortunately I did not ask this question. Too much speculation has already been made about the ending and my focus was to reach into the mind of ONJ on health and wellbeing.
Live on, live on
More than just survive my friend
We learn how to thrive and then live on, live on
Shining like the words inside this song, live on
Love is all we leave when we are gone live on
In every heart of those we touch
In every dream that means so much
Yes I believe that all of us live on
Olivia Newton-John, Beth Nielsen Chapman & Amy Sky Create “LIV ON”
A New Album to Aid & Comfort Those Experiencing Grief & Loss While Using the Power of Music To Heal
Copyright: ℗© 2016 OBA Productions, LLC, under exclusive license to Universal Music Enterprises, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc
Kimberly Burns with Olivia Newton John
My interview with ONJ was an opportunity to explore how Olivia was able to stay cancer free for over 25 years. Unfortunately, her cancer had returned and she has developed metastatic breast cancer which spread to her sacrum. ONJ’s love and light spirit continues her forward on this new journey.
ONJ calls herself a “cancer thriver”. It is a new way of thinking about lifestyle and way of life. Since finding out about my gene, HLA B27, a spondyloarthropathic disease, I have also had to change my outlook from victim of my disease to the one who controls this disease. It is an autoimmune gene associated with various forms of Spondylitis such as Reactive Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Psoriatic Arthritis. It is often undiagnosed and sufferers of this disease can be left to believe they have multiple diseases such as fibromyalgia, anxiety, irritable bowel or we start to think all this pain is just in our heads. Food is a big part of my daily attention. I like to say “All Day I Dream About Digestion” and I do, dream all day about eating food that doesn’t make me react in some way. Food that will provide my body with the nutrients it needs so I do not have to take pills and supplements.
ONJ must have found this same natural healing technique as she wrote a cookbook “LivWise”. Through this book she shares how what we eat can influence our genetics to set in motion self-destruction or self-preservation. Such a great quote! You can control how your body reacts by what you put in and on it. I also think this is an influential quote: “What we put into our bodies creates the building blocks of our existence”. I asked ONJ what nutrition advice she would give to others on the healing journey?
ONJ: There’s so much out there now. We are in an amazing year of information. Anything you want to know about food or eating you can find online. I think for me, my mother was German and ate very simple, healthy foods. I didn’t like it when I was a young girl but I’m really grateful to her now. She taught me such good ways to eat. She would cook the potatoes with the skins on, steam the vegetables, grill the fish and chicken. I would complain “Mom, all my friends are having these fun things”, but I’m really, really happy now because you often go back to what you had as a child. You get out there and realize it’s the healthiest way to go. If I eat a lot one day, I will naturally eat less the next day. I just go by how my body feels. I listen to my body and make sure that I have protein, vegetables, and fruits that are really healthy and give me energy.
I am a married to an amazing man, “Amazon John”. He was in the Amazon for 30 years and gets me these wonderful herbs from his company Amazon Herbs. Macca powder is a natural protein I use. I feel very grateful that I have him in my life to help me stay healthy. I treat myself though. I think you have to have fun with food. I love dark chocolate, the one thing that’s good for you!
I am eating gluten free and very little dairy. I’ll drink organic almond milk. In my English Breakfast Tea, which is the important thing, I have to have real milk in it. I think it’s important to have the things that you love yet in moderation. It’s balancing and knowing what works for your body and tuning in to digestion. What digests and what doesn’t. I take digestive enzymes with my meal which John makes. (Laughs) I feel very lucky that I have all the information of these wonderful products at hand.
Coming to the end of my interview time, I tried to peek into what ONJ had for future plans yet she was elusive and pointed out that she lives in the now making things happen. She thinks positively about the future and enjoys the moment she’s in. I felt like I needed more from her and decided to put it out there.
I asked: Do you have anything in particular that you would want to say before we go? Anything special you want to get out there and have not told anybody before?
ONJ: Let me tell you my deepest darkest secrets? (Laughing)
I think love is everything. Love and Health are everything. Find something in someone you love that is really important to your well-being.
To be healthy. If you’re not healthy then it means nothing else works. Nothing matters. It doesn’t matter how rich you are. You can take care of health for your future now! Go to Fyzical Rehabilitation and have the tests that can tell you what is going on in your body. Pay attention to your dietary and exercise habits to ensure you have a longer and healthy life. It is critical for a happy life. Your health and your happiness go hand-in-hand.
Love and Light, Olivia Newton-John.
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre
Olivia Newton-John Website
Click HERE to download a pdf of the story.
Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT, is an Occupational Therapist with over 14 years’ experience working with clients ranging from infants to the elderly. She has always had passion for wellness and what she could do at home for herself to manage pain and delay disease processes. Her recent certification in Lymphedema Therapy has provided her further incentive to focus her business around preventing disease and halting its progression. Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT – (215) 499.0444 – –
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Tags: FYZICAL, FYZICAL Therapy and Balance Centers, Kim Burns, Kimberly Burns, Olivia Newton John, Sensory Intuition