New College Gains New Trustee

Governor Appoints Garin Hoover To New College Of Florida Board Of Trustees.
Garin C. Hoover, a Sarasota-Bradenton real estate broker, was appointed to the Board of Trustees of New College of Florida by Florida Gov. Rick Scott.
An Ohio native, Hoover moved to Florida in 2004 and started his real estate firm, Hoover Realty. In Ohio, he worked as an attorney in the Cleveland area, as in-house counsel for a corporation and as an associate with a firm, before opening a private law practice. His previous experience includes working as a credit manager, a stockholder relations analyst and a tax research specialist.
Hoover also serves on the Finance Committee of the School District of Manatee County.
Hoover earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Baldwin Wallace University and his law degree from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He is licensed to practice law in Ohio and Florida.
Tags: Garin Hoover, New College, New College of Florida, Rick Scott