2009 A Good Year For Neal Communities
Neal Communities Closes Decade Out On A High Note.
In 2009 Lakewood Ranch based Neal Communities sold more homes (261) than in the previous five years nearly doubling their 2008 total of 141 homes sold. According to the recent Metrostudy Sarasota-Bradenton Residential Survey this surge in sales has led Neal Communities to become the number one home builder in Manatee County for the first time in over two decades. More impressively, Neal Communities sold 20% more homes than its closest competitor and amassed an amazing 25% of the market share. All while opening a new community, River Sound, and a new company, Neal Signature Pools, in less than a year.
“I’ve been in the homebuilding industry for 41 years and I’ve found that this business is cyclical,” explains Pat Neal, president of Neal Communities. “The past couple of years have certainly been tough for all of us, but I am extremely proud of how our company was able to adapt to the drop in the market and adjust our business model accordingly. In order to make the cut and continue to compete with the national home builder’s financial structure we knew our company needed to adjust to the demands of the market. The most important thing a company can do is identify what a consumer wants and be there first, and this year we’ve done a great job of putting ourselves in a position to be successful.”
For more information, visit www.nealcommunities.com.
Photo: Pat Neal
Tags: Lakewood Ranch, Neal Communities, Pat Neal