Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT – Perspectives – REAL Health

Improve Your Health Through Your Style: Using Your Body’s Senses
By Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT
Your style is your approach to how you view the world. The effects of your choice of styling may be adding additional stress to your life. Heavy necklaces and filled purses can continuously put a strain on your spine even if they are that perfect shade of turquoise that matches your outfit so well…Dang! STYLE to me is representative of who I am and what I am passionate about. I choose accessories for weight, size, ease of getting on and off, as well as color, pattern and Bling! What you wear and display is a way to tell somebody about you without saying a word.
I also try to be functional and attentive to the pressures or the weight of the accessory. Having to always struggling against gravity or having sensitivity to pressure can leave you feeling that you have to go without jewelry or accessories in order to conserve your energy or reduce irritation to make it through the day. By adjusting your focus to include attention to your posture and spine, you can be restorative and preventative while still being a fashionista!
Five tips to healthy accessorizing!
1. Accessorizing is about you…What you need is for you to look and feel well. Mentally it builds your self-esteem making you feel good about yourself and putting you in a positive mood. You are ready to endure what the day has to offer you because you have that perfect accessory that doesn’t weigh you down, represents your style and improves your mindset.
2. Don’t get caught up in the expensive nature of Brand Names. They are just fancy, highly marketed items with celebrity endorsement. When styling on a budget, it’s not worth the extra hour of work to pay for it or the effort to maintain its immaculate condition so you can try to resell it at a reasonable loss. You can modify an inexpensive item to suit your particular body or sensory needs and know you will get your money’s worth!
3. Think about your posture. When you’re carrying the 5-10 pound bag of life’s little necessities or I mean, purse, think about the effects gravity is having on your body with the additional weight of that bag Think of how it pulls on you, where it is pulling you, how it swings, what it bumps. See the stress the movements are placing on your joints and muscles. Start small and say to yourself “Do I really need to carry all of this stuff, all of the time or can something be removed or reduced for the sake of my health?”
4. Consider an accessory’s clasp. Is it putting stress on your fingers when you try to get it on or off? Is it worth having or do you tip the scales back into health’s favor a bit by conserving energy and nail health. Homemade jewelry is great when you can modify it for your fit. Magnetic clasps come in handy after a few late night events!
5. Accessorizing can also mean the scent you apply to yourself. Smell is a strong sense and can influence your emotional responses and learning. Smell can trigger a memory. Inhaling essential oils activates the hypothalamus – the area of the brain which sends messages to other parts of the body. A slow gentle inhalation of an essential oil mix can influence many changes in the body. Need to make it through that morning traffic without ending up stressed by the time you get to your destination? Try a mixture of grape seed oil, rosemary and lavender essential oil for a bit of balancing between calm and alert. Gently apply it to your chest and neck area using immune systems influencing hand sequencing and techniques which you can find on my website.
I want to thank Becca Towery, fashion stylist extraordinaire, for the special honor of being a part of REAL Style’s view of the world. If you would like to learn more about essential oil products you can go to and check out the quality essential oils doTERRA has to offer. Shop for individual oils or become your own retailer and enjoy the fabulous benefits as well as share them with others. If you are interested in homemade oil mixtures, soaps, as well as purse modifications to save your posture and how to add the influence of the lymphatic system with manual lymph drainage techniques go to or by email at I can make unique sensory products for all your body’s needs.
Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT, is an Occupational Therapist with over 14 years’ experience working with clients ranging from infants to the elderly. She has always had passion for wellness and what she could do at home for herself to manage pain and delay disease processes. Her recent certification in Lymphedema Therapy has provided her further incentive to focus her business around preventing disease and halting its progression. Kimberly Burns, OTR/L, CLT – (215) 499.0444 – –
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Tags: compression garments, compression stockings, doTERRA, Healthcare Consultant, Jobst, Juzo, Kim Burns, Kimberly Burns, Lymphedema, Lymphedema Therapy, Occupational Therapist, Sensory Intuition